How to Install Slack on Ubuntu Linux

This post shows students and new users steps to install Slack on Ubuntu Linux. Slack, the popular team communication and collaboration platform is now available for Linux.

Slack brings teams together to collaborate on projects so work can get done as quickly and efficiently as possible. Conversations in Slack are organized in channels. You can create channels for your teams, projects, topics, or any other purpose. 

Whether you’re a small or large enterprise, Slack can help your team communicate and collaborate. and these conversations will be available on the desktop, mobile devices and everywhere you have Slack installed.

Also, for students and new users learning Linux, the easiest place to start learning is on Ubuntu Linux. Ubuntu is the modern, open source Linux operating system for desktop, servers and other devices.

When you’re ready to install Slack for Linux on Ubuntu Linux, follow the steps below.

Below are two options available when installing Slack on Ubuntu desktops. You can select either one to get it installed.

How to install Slack as a deb package

To install Slack using its DEB package, simply go to the link below and select the .DEB version. The 64-bit should be good if your system supports it. In fact, all Ubuntu versions being developed will only support 64-bit machines.

slack for linux ubuntu

Once the file is download, usually in your ~/Downloads folder, go to the folder to locate it.

Slack for linux ubuntu install

In your Downloads folder, right-click on the file and select Open With Software Install.

Slack for Linux setup

When Ubuntu Software opens, click Install to begin the installation.

Slack for Ubuntu Linux

That should prompt you to type and confirm your password before the installation can continue. When you’re done, Slack should be installed and ready to use.

To launch it, go to the Activities ==> Overview and search Slack and launch it.

Slack Ubuntu setup

You can then sign in or create a new account.

How to Install Slack as Snap

Slack can also be installed via Ubuntu snap package management. This might be the quickest way to install Slack.

Snaps are self-contained software packages that include the binary all dependencies needed to run the application. Snap packages are easy to upgrade and secure.

To install Slack from the Snap package management, run the commands below.

sudo apt install snapd
sudo snap install slack --classic


This post showed you how to install and use Slack on Ubuntu Linux. If you find any error above or have something to add, please use the comment form below.