A new maintenance release of the 10.3 series of MariaDB database server is available for download. This release is 10.3.11 and this brief tutorial is going to show students and new users how to install or upgrade on Ubuntu 16.04 | 18.04 | 18.10.
For those who don’t know, here’s an overview of MariaDB:
MariaDB is an open source database server that was forked from MySQL — It’s considered a drop-in replacement of MySQL which means you can delete MySQL and install MariaDB and all your apps will work as though nothing was changed.
MariaDB rapidly becoming the default open source database server on Linux systems, including Ubuntu — replacing MySQL Database Server owned by Oracle.
For more about this release, please check its release page.
If you want to always upgrade to the latest major versions of MariaDB 10.3 – (a major release version), the steps below should be a great place to start.
Below are some of the changes released with this version:
- mysqldump now uses utf8mb4 as a default character set, instead of utf8.
- sql_safe_updates can now be set as a command-line and my.cnf option
- Fixed crash on upgrade from MariaDB 10.1 or earlier: MDEV-12023
- Multi-pass recovery fails to apply some redo log records
- Allow InnoDB start up with empty ib_logfile0 from mariabackup –prepare
- Allow instant change of WITH SYSTEM VERSIONING column attribute
- RENAME TABLE in InnoDB is not crash-safe
- galera mtr galera_certification_double_failure fails with deadlock
- ALTER TABLE…page_compression_level should not rebuild table
To install or upgrade to this release, please follow the steps below:
Step 1: Adding MariaDB repository on Ubuntu
First, make sure software-properties-common package is installed. Just in case it’s not, run the commands below.
sudo apt update sudo apt-get install software-properties-common
Next, run the commands below to import MariaDB repository public key used by the package management system.
sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com:80 0xF1656F24C74CD1D8
Finally, run the commands below to add MariaDB 10.3 repository to your Ubuntu machine. adding this repository will make sure you always get the latest releases of the 10.3 version as they’re released.
sudo sh -c "echo 'deb https://mirrors.evowise.com/mariadb/repo/10.3/ubuntu '$(lsb_release -cs)' main' > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/MariaDB103.list"
The above commands add MariaDB 10.3 repository to Ubuntu with the latest packages. Remember to change the highlighted version number to the current latest of a major release.
If you haven’t upgraded to MariaDB major version 10.3 and you’re still running a previous 10.1 or 10.2 then you should upgrade to 10.3 major release first before upgrading to minor releases.
Step 2: Installing MariaDB latest on Ubuntu
Now that the MariaDB 10.3 repository has been added to Ubuntu, run the guides below to install the current version.
First, run the commands below to update your Ubuntu machines.
sudo apt-get update
Next, run the commands below to install MariaDB server and client.
sudo apt-get install mariadb-server mariadb-client
Doing the installation, you may be prompted to create and confirm a new password for MariaDB root user.
Please enter and confirm a password. You’ll need this password to manage the database server.
After that, MariaDB will be fully installed on your machine.
To secure MariaDB database server, run the commands below:
When you run the above command, you’ll be prompted to create a root password, remove anonymous users, disable remote root access and delete the test database.
Follow this guide below in answering the questions:
- Enter current password for root (enter for none): Enter current password.
- Change root password? N
- Remove anonymous users? Y
- Disallow root login remotely? Y
- Remove test database and access to it? Y
- Reload privilege tables now? Y
When you’re done, restart MariaDB and you’re done.
That’s it!
To verify MariaDB version, run the command below
mysql -V
mysql Ver 15.1 Distrib 10.3.11-MariaDB, for debian-linux-gnu (i686) using readline 5.2
That’s it!
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