Install Plone Enterprise CMS on Ubuntu 16.04 | 17.10 | 18.04

Plone is a great enterprise Content Management System (CMS). It has enterprise-class features, is scalable and comes lots of exciting modules right out of the box. If you need an enterprise CMS platform for your company, Plone might be a great place to start.

Plone Content Services is built on an open source core with support for open standards, which might be very useful in helping you run your digital content.

This CMS platform is designed for ease of use to allow enterprises and business owners to collaborate and automate engaging experiences with users across multiple devices, including mobile.

For more about Plone, please check their Homepage

This brief tutorial is going to show students and new users how to install Plone Community Edition on Ubuntu 16.04 / 17.10 and 18.04 LTS.

To get started with installing Plone, follow the steps below:

Step 1: Install Required Libraries

In order to install Plone, you must have some required libraries installed. Run the commands below to install all the requirements for the installation to be successful.

sudo apt-get update
apt-get install build-essential gcc libjpeg-dev readline-common libssl-dev libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev python2.7 python-dev

Step 2: Download and Install Plone

Now that the required packages are installed, run the commands below to download Plone latest packages. As of today, the latest version is at 5.1.2

You can download the file from the link below

Or use this command.

cd /tmp && wget /5.1/5.1.2/+download/Plone-5.1.2-UnifiedInstaller.tgz

Next, run the commands below to extract the downloaded file and move it to the installation directory.

tar -xzf Plone-5.1.2-UnifiedInstaller.tgz
sudo mv Plone-5.1.2-UnifiedInstaller /usr/local/plone

After that, change into the installation directory by running the commands below.

cd /usr/local/plone

Then run the commands below to begin the installation.

sudo ./ standalone --target=/usr/local/plone --password=new_password_here --with-python=/usr/bin/python2.7

The installation may take a while. so be patient.  After the installation, you should get a message that it’s done.

######################  Installation Complete  ######################

Plone successfully installed at /usr/local/plone
See /usr/local/plone/zinstance/README.html
for startup instructions.

Use the account information below to log into the Zope Management Interface
The account has full 'Manager' privileges.

  Username: admin
  Password: password_here

This account is created when the object database is initialized. If you change
the password later (which you should!), you'll need to use the new password.

Use this account only to create Plone sites and initial users. Do not use it
for routine login or maintenance.- If you need help, ask in IRC channel #plone on - The live support channel also exists at  - You can also ask for help on  - Submit feedback and report errors at  (For install problems, 

Next, run the commands below to start Plone.

sudo /usr/local/plone/zinstance/bin/plonectl start

Now open your browser and browse to the server hostname or IP address followed by port 8080

Plone Ubuntu install


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