Install Komodo Edit on Ubuntu Linux

This post shows students and new users steps to install Komodo Edit on Ubuntu Linux. Komodo Edit is a free multi-language code editor that supports Python, Perl, Ruby, HTML/CSS, JavaScript and many others.

When looking for a cross-platform,  simple code editor for programming and web development, you should probably take a look at Komodo Edit.

This simple yet powerful code editor for programmers provides basic functionality, like editing and writing basic programming codes. It’s more like Notepad++ on steroids for Windows systems and other platforms.

For a more advanced version of Komodo, you’ll have to purchase Komodo IDE. It comes with all the power you need to create powerful programs.

When you’re ready to install Komodo Edit, please continue with the steps below:

How to download Komodo Edit in Ubuntu Linux

To manually install Komodo Edit, you’ll have to go to its download page and get a copy of the installer. The download page can be found from the link below.

On the page, download correct arch (32bit or 64bit) for your system.  At the time of this writing, the latest version was at 12.0.1.

The default download location on Ubuntu systems is in the /tmp folder of your home directory.

cd /tmp
tar xzvf Komodo-Edit-*.tar.gz

For x86 version, use the link below:


How to install Komodo Edit in Ubuntu Linux

After downloading and extracting the file as shown above, change into the newly extracted folder, then run the commands below to begin the installation.

cd Komodo-Edit-12.0.1-18441-linux-x86_64
sudo ./ -I /opt/KomodoEdit

The installation is pretty straightforward. After a bring moment, you should get a message similar to the one below that the installation was successful.

Komodo Edit 12 has been successfully installed to:
You might want to add 'komodo' to your PATH by adding the 
install dir to you PATH. Bash users can add the following
to their ~/.bashrc file:

    export PATH="/opt/KomodoEdit/bin:$PATH"

Or you could create a symbolic link to 'komodo', e.g.:

    ln -s "/opt/KomodoEdit/bin/komodo" /usr/local/bin/komodo

Documentation is available in Komodo or on the web here:

Please send us any feedback you have through one of the
channels below:
    [email protected]

Thank you for using Komodo.

After the installation process is complete, add “komodo” to your PATH variable.

First open the .bashrc file in a text editor:

gedit ~/.bashrc

Next, copy and paste the line into the file, then save it.

export PATH="/opt/KomodoEdit/bin:$PATH"

Finally run the commands below to apply the configuration.

source ~/.bashrc

You may also want to run this command:

sudo ln -s "/opt/KomodoEdit/bin/komodo" /usr/local/bin/komodo

After that, go to Ubuntu Activities ==> Komodo Edit

When you open Komodo Edit the first time, you’ll be prompted to customize it. I’d accept the default and continue.

Komodo Edit

After customizing, begin enjoying Komodo Edit.


This post showed you how to install Komodo Edit on Ubuntu Linux. If you find any error above or have something to add, please use the comment form below to report.