How to Turn On or Off Modern Standby Network Connectivity in Windows 11

This article describes steps one can take to enable or disable Modern Standby Network Connectivity in Windows 11.

Modern Standby, also known as (S0 Low Power Idle), is an improved power sleep mode that leverages all the capabilities of a modern chipset to remain connected to WiFi or other networks while in a low-power sleep state.

Modern Standby also enables an instant On and Off user experience similar to mobile devices while also connected to networks in low-power idle mode.

When Modern Standby is enabled in Windows, the device can either be connected, disconnected, or managed by Windows state which allows or disallows network connectivity during standby.

In a connected state, your network device will stay connected to the network and receive data such as notifications, alerts, and others.

A disconnected state will limit the network connectivity of your device but may extend the device’s battery life.

In a Windows-managed state, Windows decides if the device should be in a disconnected state but still receive important notifications and alerts.

How to change modern standby network connectivity state in Windows 11

As mentioned above, when Modern Standby is enabled in Windows, you can have it either connected, disconnected, or managed by Windows state which will allow or disallow network connectivity during standby.

Here’s how to change the Modern Standby network connectivity state in Windows 11

First, make sure your device supports Modern Standy.

If confirmed your device supports it, open the Control Panel app.

You can do that by clicking on the Start menu and searching for Control Panel. Under best match, select the Control Panel app.

windows 11 search for control panel
Windows 11 searches for the control panel

In the Control Panel app, navigate to Hardware and Sound -> Power Options.

Control Panel\Hardware and Sound\Power Options

On the Power Options settings pane, click the Change plan settings link for the Active power plan.

windows 11 change power plan settings link
windows 11 change power plan settings link

Next, click on the Change advanced power settings link.

windows 11 change advanced power settings control panel
Windows 11 changes advanced power settings control panel

On the Power Options window, under Network connectivity in Standby, choose the options that work in your environment.

  • On battery:
    • Disable
    • Enable
    • Managed by Windows
  • Plugged in:
    • Disable
    • Enable
    • Managed by Windows
windows 11 power options network connectivity in standy
windows 11 power options network connectivity on standby

Click OK to apply your changes and exit.

How to change network connectivity state in Modern Standy via local group policy editor

If you can change the network connectivity state with Modern Standby using the Control Panel app, you can use the Local Group Policy Editor.

Click on the Start menu button, and search for Edit group policy. Under best match, select Edit group policy.

windows 11 edit group policy
windows 11 edit group policy

When the app opens, expand the folder as listed below.

Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > System > Power Management > Sleep Settings

On the Sleep Settings details pane on the right, locate and double-click both settings that say:

  • Allow network connectivity during connected-standby (plugged in)
  • Allow network connectivity during connected-standby (on battery)

For each setting, change an option.

  • Not Configured (default)
  • Enabled  – Network connectivity will be maintained in standby.
  • Disabled – Network connectivity is not guaranteed.
windows 11 power options network connectivity in standy in local group polily editor options
windows 11 power options network connectivity in standby in local group policy editor options

That should do it!


This post showed you how to change the network connectivity state with Modern Standby in Windows 11. If you find any error above or have something to add, please use the comment form below.