How to Show or Hide Time and Date in the System Tray on Windows 11

This article explains how to show or hide the Time and Date on the Taskbar system tray in Windows 11.

All Windows computers come with a clock on the system tray at the bottom right corner of the taskbar by default. However, starting with Windows 11 build 23440, which is currently being tested in the Dev channel, users can hide the time and date in the system tray.

Windows computers enrolled in the Microsoft Insider Preview program should begin to see this option in the Settings app. Your computer isn’t registered if you do not see the option to hide the time and date in the system tray.

Hiding the time and date on the taskbar (system tray) won’t hide it on the notifications or calendar flyout panel. This feature is being tested and may never be released to the general public. Some of the components tested in Windows do not make it to full release.

Show or hide the time and date on the taskbar system tray

As mentioned above, starting with the latest Windows 11 builds, users can hide the time and date in the system tray on the taskbar.

Here’s how to do it.

First, open the Windows Settings app.

You can do that by clicking on the Start menu and selecting Settings. Or press the keyboard shortcut (Windows key + I) to launch the Settings app.

When the Setting app opens, click the Time & Language button on the left.

windows 11 time and language icon

Select the Date & Time tile on the right to expand it.

Windows 11 Date and time tile in settings

Next, select the Hide time and date in the System tray tile, then toggle the button switch to the On position to hide the time and date on the System tray.

To show the time and date again on the System tray, toggle the button back to the Off position.

Windows 11 hide time and date in the system tray button

Close the Settings app when done.

Hide or show the time and date on the System tray via Windows Registry Editor

Another way users can hide or show the time and date in the System tray in Windows is to use the Windows Registry Editor.

First, open the Windows Registry, and navigate to the folder key path below.


If you don’t see the Advanced folder key, right-click on the Explorer key, then create the subkey (Advanced) folders.

Windows 11 registry key value for advanced

Right-click the Advanced folder key’s right pane and select New -> DWORD (32-bit) Value. Next, type a new key named HideSystrayDateTimeValueName.

Double-click the new key item name (HideSystrayDateTimeValueName) and make sure the Base option is Decimal, and then update the Value data:

  • Type 1 to hide the time and date.
  • Type 0 or delete the value name to show the time and date.
Hide system tray time and date registry value

Save your changes and restart your computer.

That should do it!


This post showed you how to hide or show the time and date on the System tray in Windows 11. If you find any errors above or have something to add, please use the comments form below.