How to Install RavenDB on Ubuntu

This brief tutorial shows students and new users how to install RavenDB on Ubuntu 20.04 | 18.04.

RavenDB is a is a free, fast and reliable open-source document-oriented NoSQL database designed for .NET/Windows platform.

It is used by major corporations and businesses looking for high performance NoSQL database system.

Most people will tell you a thing or two about MySQL and MariaDB, however, for professionals, RavenDB is a stable choice.

RavenDB uses JSON to store documents and does not requires a schema to be declared and easy to install, implement, and use.

To get started with installing RavenDB, follow the steps below:

Install required packages

Before installing RavenDB, you’ll want to install required dependencies, including NET Core runtime.

Run the commands below to download and install .NET core repository on Ubuntu.

wget  -O packages-microsoft-prod.deb
sudo dpkg -i packages-microsoft-prod.deb

Next, update and install .NET core.

sudo apt update 
sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https
sudo apt-get install aspnetcore-runtime-3.1

That should get .NET core installed.

Install RavenDB

Now that .NET is installed and ready, continue below to install RavenDB.

Download RavenDB package by running the commands below:

cd ~/
wget -O ravendb.tar.bz2 

Next, extract the downloaded file.

tar xvjf ravendb.tar.bz2

After that, make the file executable and install.

sudo chmod -R 755 RavenDB
cd ~/RavenDB

That should install RavenDB and start listening on the IP and post number below:

The wizard will assist you with setting up your RavenDB server.
Let’s start with choosing your desired level of security. Select the security option that best addresses your needs.

For this tutorial we’re going to be using the unsecure method to connect.

Finish the setup and restart the server. It should now start listening on port 8080.

Access the dasboard.

By default, the RavenDB is accessible only from the localhost. If you need to configure the server public IP address, open its config file and add the IP address.

sudo nano ~/RavenDB/Server/settings.json

Then add replace hosthost or IP with public one.

  "DataDir": "RavenData",
  "License.Eula.Accepted": true,
  "Setup.Mode": "Unsecured",
  "Security.UnsecuredAccessAllowed": "PublicNetwork",
  "ServerUrl": "",
  "ServerUrl.Tcp": "tcp://"

Systemd service

If you want to control RavenDB startup and shutdown, you’ll want to create a systemd service file to control the service.

To do that run the commands below to create the file.

sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/ravendb.service

The copy and paste the content below into the file and save.

Description=RavenDB v4.0



Save the file.

Next reload systemd and begin controlling the services.

sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl start ravendb
sudo systemctl enable ravendb

That should do it. To check the status of the service run the commands below:

sudo systemctl status ravendb

That should display similar lines as shown below:

● ravendb.service - RavenDB v4.0
     Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/ravendb.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
     Active: active (running) since Tue 2021-02-09 20:14:01 CST; 3s ago
   Main PID: 4364 (
      Tasks: 13 (limit: 4654)
     Memory: 24.2M
     CGroup: /system.slice/ravendb.service
             ├─4364 /bin/bash /tmp/RavenDB/
             └─4380 ./Raven.Server --browser

Feb 09 20:14:05 ubuntu2004[4380]:    at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.UpdateStatusAfterSocketErrorAndThrowExcep>
Feb 09 20:14:05 ubuntu2004[4380]:    at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.DoBind(EndPoint endPointSnapshot, SocketA>
Feb 09 20:14:05 ubuntu2004[4380]:    at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.Bind(EndPoint localEP)

That’s it!


This post showed you how to install and configure RavenDB on Ubuntu. If you find any error above, please use the form below to report.