How to Install Notepad++ in Ubuntu Linux

This article describes steps one can take to install Notepad++ in Ubuntu Linux.

Notepad++ is a free, simple yet powerful code editor on Windows and Mac OS systems. For a while now there has been an alternative to Notepad++ called Notepadqq for Linux systems, including Ubuntu. Notepadqq is not a bad editor, but probably not as feature rich as Notepad++

One thing to note is that the open-source version of Notepad++ uses the wine-i386 with notepad++ portable and Win32 API to get it working on Linux. This version may not be as stable as those on Windows and Mac systems.

If you’re from a Windows and Mac OS world and want to install your favorite code editor on Ubuntu, then the steps below are a great place to start.

Step 1: Get Snap

If Snap isn’t available on your system, you will have to install it prior to install Notepad++. Snap is a powerful package management system for Linux users. it probably the best and easiest way to install packages on Linux machine, including Ubuntu.

To install Snap, run the commands below

sudo apt-get install snapd snapd-xdg-open

Step 2: Install Notepad++

Now that Snap is installed, run the commands below to install Notepad++ on Ubuntu.

To install Notepad++ run the commands below

sudo snap install notepad-plus-plus

When the package is installed, you should see a message that looks like the one below

notepad-plus-plus 7.5.6 from ‘mmtrt’ installed

After installing the package, run the commands below to install a mandetory plugin.

sudo snap connect notepad-plus-plus:process-control

And optional plugins below should probably be installed as well.

sudo snap connect notepad-plus-plus:removable-media
sudo snap connect notepad-plus-plus:hardware-observe
sudo snap connect notepad-plus-plus:cups-control

Next go to your Activities Overview and search for, then lauch Notepad++


This is how to get Notepad++ installed on Ubuntu systems.


This post showed you how to install Notepad++ in Ubuntu Linux. If you find any error above or have something to add, please use the comment form below.