How to Find Version Number in Windows 11

This article describes the steps to look up or find the version number of Windows 11 installed on a computer.

Microsoft routinely releases new updates and upgrades to Windows computers. Typically these updates will upgrade an existing version of Windows if the computer’s owner allows it. So if you started with one version of Windows, over time, your PC might have a different version after your PC updates or upgrades.

If you want to know the current version of Windows installed on a computer, the steps below might help.

Show what version of Windows installed on a computer

Knowing what version of Windows is installed on your computer might be helpful if you want to install a particular software for a specific version of Windows.

Here’s how to find out what version of Windows is installed on your PC.

Use About Windows to find the version number

One way to locate the Windows version is to launch the About Windows screen.

To do that, press the Windows key + R shortcut on your keyboard to launch the Run window.

In the box, type the command below and press Enter.

windows 11 winver in run box
windows 11 winver in the run box

The About Windows box should open up with information about the version and build number of Windows installed on your computer.

windows version and build number
windows version and build number

Look up the Windows version number using the Settings app

Another way one can find out the version of Windows installed on their computer is to use the Windows Settings app.

To do that, click on the Start menu button and select Settings. You can also use the keyboard shortcut Windows key + I to launch the Settings app.

windows 11 new settings button
windows 11 new settings button

When the Settings app opens, click the System button on the left.

system button in windows settings app
system button in the windows settings app

On the right, select the About tile to expand.

windows 11 about tile in settings app
windows 11 about tile in the settings app

On the System -> About settings pane, under Windows specifications, locate the Version number.

windows version number on the about window
Windows version number on the about window

Locate the Windows version number via Windows Registry

Yet another way one can view the version number in Windows 11 is to use the Windows Registry editor. To do that, one the Windows Registry editor.

When the Registry Editor opens, navigate the folder key path as listed below.

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion

On the right of the CurrentVersion key, locate the DisplayVersion name. Under the Data column, you should see the version number as highlighted below.

windows 11 version number in registry
Windows 11 version number in the registry

There may be other ways to view the Windows version numbers. However, the few steps above should get you what you need.



This post showed you how to find the version of Windows installed on a computer. If you find any error above or have something to add, please use the comment form below.