How to  Download Offline Maps in Windows 11

This article describes the steps one can take to download offline maps in Windows 11.

Maps in Windows can get you to places whether you are driving, walking, or taking the bus. The app provides turn-by-turn to any address, landmark, or business.

If you are on the road without dependable Internet access, you can download Maps offline, then use the Maps app to search for and get directions while offline.

Below is how to use Maps in Windows offline.

How to download and use Maps offline on Windows 11

As described above, Maps can be downloaded offline and used on the road without dependable Internet access.

Below is how to do that in Windows 11.

Windows 11 has a centralized location for the majority of its settings. From system configurations to creating new users and updating Windows, all can be done from its System Settings pane.

To get to System Settings, you can use the Windows key + I shortcut or click on Start ==> Settings as shown in the image below:

windows 11 new settings button
windows 11 new settings button

Alternatively, you can use the search box on the taskbar and search for Settings. Then select to open it.

Windows Settings pane should look similar to the image below. In the Windows Settings app, click Apps on the left.

windows 11 settings apps on menu
Windows 11 settings apps on the menu

On the right, click on the Offline maps tile to expand.

windows 11 settings apps offline maps updated
windows 11 settings apps offline maps updated

On the Settings -> Apps -> Offline maps settings pane, click on the Download maps button.

windows 11 offline maps download button
Windows 11 offline maps download button

On the Settings -> Offline maps -> Download maps settings pane, select the continent on which you want to download maps.

windows 11 settings offline maps download
Windows 11 settings offline maps download

On the expanded tile, click the Download button of the country. Other locations will have regions, in that case, click on the Choose region button.

windows 11 offline maps choose region
windows 11 offline maps choose a region

On the pop-up window, click the download button (down-arrow) to begin downloading the map offline.

windows 11 offline maps choose region download
windows 11 offline maps choose region download

Once the region maps have been downloaded, go back to the Settings app -> Apps -> Offline maps -> Maps (x downloaded) to view the recently downloaded maps.

To use the map offline, install the Windows Maps app from the Microsoft Store. Then use the map app to navigate offline.

windows 11 windows maps app from microsoft store
windows 11 windows map app from Microsoft store

That should do it!



This post showed you how to download maps offline in Windows 11. If you find any error above or have something to add, please use the comment form below.