A VPN (or Virtual Private Network) is a way of connecting two networks (local and remote) securely over the Internet. This is mostly used by remote employees of a company or business that want to access the company’s internal resources from a remote location.
This would be as if you were directly connected to the network at work, but the actual network connection would be through a public (hotel, airport) internet connection. VPN connections are usually encrypted to prevent people from accessing the local network you’re connecting to without logging in.
There are different types of VPN and some required users to install proprietary software for it to work with specific VPN settings. In these cases, you may want to find a compatible software for Linux systems, including Ubuntu.
This brief tutorial shows students and new users how to setup a VPN connection on Ubuntu desktop to access a remote VPN network.
Find out the connection details from your company IT specialists about the VPN and see which VPN client you need to use.
Then, go to the software installer application and search for the NetworkManager package which works with your VPN (if there is one) and install it.
To setup a VPN connection on Ubuntu, follow the steps below:
Open the Activities overview and start typing Network.
Click on Network to open the panel.
At the bottom of the list on the left, click the + button to add a new connection.
Choose VPN in the interface list.
Choose which kind of VPN connection you have.
Fill in the VPN connection details, then press Add once you are finished.
When you have finished setting-up the VPN, open the system menu from the right side of the top bar, click VPN off and select Connect.
Hopefully you will successfully connect to the VPN. If not, you may need to double-check the VPN settings you entered.
To disconnect from the VPN, click the system menu on the top bar and click Turn Off under the name of your VPN connection.
If there isn’t a NetworkManager package for your type of VPN, you will probably have to download and install some client software from the company that provides the VPN software. You’ll probably have to follow some different instructions to get that working.
Save your settings and try to connect.
Hope the helps and please come back soon.
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